Downtown Franklin
Rotary Club

A Word from our President
When I was a little girl, my heart held one goal for my life and that was to make the world a better place. Reflecting on my years on this planet so far, I can see the ways that dream continues to come to fruition, although not all looks as I would have thought as an idealistic child. There remains much to accomplish!
Being a Rotarian has given me the opportunity to grow the seeds of serving others planted in my youth. When I joined, it was with the hope of serving the community and meeting new people. Five years later, I can say affirmatively that Rotary has exceeded my expectations in both areas.
Life is all about people and experiences. Each year as a Rotarian has blessed me with an abundance of both amazing people and incredible experiences. Rotary has strengthened relationships I had prior and opened doors to new ones. I have learned so much from others and made lifelong friends. I’ve connected with Rotarians from Nashville, the Southeastern United States, and all over the world, providing the opportunity to serve both locally and internationally.
In one quarter last year, our club partnered with other clubs, a local food bank, and an international hunger relief organization to provide tens of thousands of pounds of food to countries with high levels of food insecurity and then to distribute food to hundreds of families facing the same challenge in Middle Tennessee. I’ve witnessed the impact of countless community service projects and hundreds of thousands of dollars given to support nonprofit organizations here and globally. I am so grateful for the relationships built and the resulting GOOD benefitting those in need.
Rotarians are People of Action, and we make a difference! I am truly honored to be the 8th President of the Downtown Franklin Rotary Club and look forward to continuing to live a little girl’s dream through the power that comes from working TOGETHER!
Join us at a Club Meeting!
We meet every first and third Monday of the month at the Williamson County Enrichment Center, 110 Everbright Lane in Franklin.
5:30-6:00pm Social Hour
6:00-7:00pm Club Meeting
Christina McClary, 2024-2025 President
Downtown Franklin Rotary Club